Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Make a Decision

Decide to make a decision. The first step to becoming happier and healthier is deciding to do it and sticking with it. But just like anything else you need rational to back up your decision, you might want background information, you might weigh out the pros and cons, and ultimately you need the desire to want something enough to follow through. So before you even start to make healthy changes in your life, decide what you want.  Can you risk letting certain people go to better yourself? Can you realize the benefit from having a positive mindset? Can you be patient? Set aside some time to think with yourself, ask yourself if becoming happier is something you really want, ask yourself if you can commit to it no matter what life throws your way, and reflect on your current mood, habits, and energy level. Is it enough? Or do you want more? At the point in time say it to yourself; say "I want more and I can get it." 

Now that you've made a decision you're already emitting a positive frequency. "You give what you get and get what you give." At least that what my mother always told me. If you are happy and emitting positive energy your more than likely to receive the same from the world. As I like to say, "The universe is listening." I haven't quite figured out if happy people just ignore the bad/negative things or if they truly don't come their way. However I don't bother having much concern and just focus on reaping the rewards.

Once your decision has been made and you are starting this positive journey, it’s now time to kick the bad habits. The most common thing I see in people today is there unrelenting ability to point out the bad things rather then the good. So lets start by waking up every single day and listing everything that we have to be grateful for, whether it’s your health or even something as small as how comfy you are in your bed. Everybody has something to be grateful for and this strong energy of gratitude can be seen by all. Have you ever been at the grocery store or at a family birthday party and there is always that one person that updates you on all the negative things going on, and they drag you down with their ungrateful personality? Well, you don't want to be “Negative Nancy!” Let Negative Nancy be Negative Nancy, you be Positive Patty! 

One way to go about being Positive Patty is to only give yourself two options, It’s a two way street and your either going to negative town or positive town. I know it sounds really corny but this really helped me when I started being more self aware. Every decision you make is going in one direction or the other. So lets hop on the road to positive town and never look back. One personal tip I can give is constantly keep up with yourself. When you're driving in the car thinking to yourself or talking to others ask yourself if these thought and conversations bringing you to positive town or negative town. If they are bringing you to negative town immediately change the direction. Eventually you wont have to make a conscious effort. Your mind will make new bridges and you will automatically think the way you have trained yourself with time.



  1. Some really great advice, I'll have to try it!

  2. This is great. Sometimes people get stuck in a negative rut of complaining and only seeing the bad things in the day-to-day. This shows us that you don't have to be limited by other's negative attitudes and thoughts, which is something I'm trying to do myself. Love it!

  3. This article has a really positive outlook on living each day. I think the message you're conveying is very important.

  4. Very positive outlook! I think people's happiness could go a long way in they tried some of the things you propose here.

  5. Great article and great advice! It's so easy to get wrapped up in the world's negativity, reading stuff like this is really helpful for keeping a healthy mindset

  6. Weird that I have to post on my own blog.....I guess I'd have to say that there are times that life is tough, but if you think about it- sometimes there is nothing you can do about a situation so you might as well try and be positive.
